Monday, May 10, 2010

New Portfolio Workshop International Student

.......happy to say that our new PWI student had her first classes today.

She will be spending a month with us doing a serious intensive program in life drawing for animation to help her put together a portfolio to apply for work in the industry.
We had a great chat this morning about making the animation portfolio, and the kinds of work she'll be focusing on with her team of four instructors and two T.A.'s.

She will work with the six of us on a one to one basis for the month, drawing in classes for 6 hours every day with the model, and spending Saturday and Sunday working on her drawing of animals at the ROM.
On top of that, she has 4 to 5 hours of homework everyday to complete for the following day.

I believe She's going to take off like a drawing rocket!!

PWI is the Cadillac of educational services...tailored to suit the needs of each individual student.

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