Monday, March 17, 2008

Animation Portfolio Workshop Information Sessions at Sheridan College

There will be several information sessions for anyone interested in learning more about the Animation Portfolio Workshop, and the new Spring/Summer session which starts at the end of April.

The information sessions will be held at Sheridan College, Trafalgar Campus on these dates:

Information Session 1
Weds.March 26 2008
11am to 12 noon
Room A143

Information Session 2
Weds. April 2 2008
12 noon to 1pm
Room A108

There will be examples of recent student portfolio's to view, as well as a question and answer period for anyone wishing to get more info on the program.

Please contact :Gerard Sternik / Director
Animation Portfolio Workshop

416 651 3658 line 1

if you would like more detailed information.

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